Papers/Reports/Abstracts Published

The following list has been organized in descending order of year of publication:
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich, F. H. (2005) "The Application of a Java-Based Hydrological Model for Modeling Fire-Impacts on Stream Runoff in a Mountain Watershed", in Geospatial Tools for Watershed Management, by JRBP and RSGAL, based on Proceedings of the Association of American Georgraphers' Annual Meeting, April 5-6, 2005, pp. 15-16.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich, F. H. (2004) "Java-based Distributed-Parameter Modeling of Fire-Impacted Runoff in a Mountain Watershed", Abstracts: The Association of American Geographers' 100th Annual Meeting, March, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington, D.C.(View Abstract)
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich, F. H. (2003) "Java-Implementation of a New GIS-Based Distributed Parameter Model for Fire-Impacted Mountain Watersheds", Abstracts: The Association of American Geographers' 99th Annual Meeting, April, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana. Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington, D.C.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Quevedo, H. (2002) "Geologic Hazards: Mass Movement", in Hemmer, M. (ed.) Introduction to Environmental Sciences: Laboratory Manual, pp. 113-119. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York City, NY.
  • Wilhelmson, R.B., Weirich, F.H., Hibbard, B., Peckham, S., Wilson, M., Sayeeduzzaman, M., Christianson, D. and Lai, Y. (2002) "Towards the Implementation of a Fully Integrated Flood Model", Proceedings of the American Meteorological Society 16th Conference on Hydrology, Jan. 2002. (View Abstract)
  • Weirich, F.H., Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Wilson, M. (2000) "Development of a Java-based Watershed/Channel Model for High Energy Mountain Watersheds", in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, pp. 1-9, July 23-27, 2000, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, Iowa City, Iowa. (View Article)
  • Blesius, L., Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich, F.H. (2000) "Slope Characterization by Spatial Autocorrelation", Abstracts: The Association of American Geographers' 96th Annual Meeting, 4-8 April, 2000, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington, D.C. (View Abstract)
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich, F.H. (2000) "Development of a Java-based Distributed Parameter Model for Prediction of Runoff in Watersheds under Various Hydro-Geomorphic Environments", Abstracts: The Association of American Geographers' 96th Annual Meeting, 4-8 April, 2000, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington, D.C. (View Abstract)
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich F.H. (1999) "A GIS-Based Distributed Modeling of Runoff and Sediment Yield in a Fire Impacted, Mountain Watershed", in Shamsi, U.M. (ed.) GIS Applications in Stormwater and Nonpoint Sources, pp. 1-10. Chelsea, Michigan, Ann Arbor Press, Inc.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich, F.H. (1998) "Development of a GIS-Based Model for Simulating Fire Effect on Runoff in Mountain Watersheds", Abstracts: The Association of American Geographers' 94th Annual Meeting, 25-29 March, 1998, Boston, Massachusetts. Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington, D.C.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich, F.H. (1996) "A Framework for a New GIS-Based, Distributed-Parameter Model for Simulating Runoff and Erosion in Fire-Impacted, Mountain Watersheds", Abstracts with Programs: 1996 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America (GSA), Denver, Colorado, October 28-31, 1996. Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado, p. A-464.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich, F.H. (1996) "Runoff and Sediment Yield in a Fire Impacted, Mountain Watershed: Fluvial Hydrologic Modeling in a GIS Environment", in Hallam, C.A., Salisbury, J.M., Lanfear, K.J., and Battaglin, W.A. (eds), American Water Resources Association Symposium Proceedings: GIS and Water Resources, September 22-26, 1996 American Water Resource Association (AWRA), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, pp. 447-456.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich, F.H. (1996) "The Application of ANSWERS for Modeling Runoff and Sediment Yield in a Fire-Impacted, High-Energy Mountain Watershed", Abstracts: The Association of American Geographers' 92nd Annual Meeting, 9-13 April, 1996, Charlotte, North Carolina. Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington, D.C., p.261.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Weirich, F.H. (1995) "The Application of ANSWERS for Modeling Runoff and Sediment Yield in a High-Energy Mountainous Watershed", Abstracts: The Association of American Geographers' 91st Annual Meeting, 14-18 March, 1995, Chicago, Illinois. Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington, D.C.
  • Bayes, A., Alam, N., Huq, M., and Sayeeduzzaman, M. (1992) Impact of the Improved Irrigation Management Programme (I-IMP) Training - Volume 1: Scheme and Household Level Findings. An evaluation report prepared for Mott McDonald International. Department of Economics, Jahangirnagar University, April, 1992, 94p.
  • Bayes, A., Alam, N., Huq, M., and Sayeeduzzaman, M. (1992) Impact of the Improved Irrigation Management Programme (I-IMP) Training - Volume 2: Case Studies of Deep Tubewell Schemes. An evaluation report prepared for Mott McDonald International. Department of Economics, Jahangirnagar University, April, 1992, 60p.
  • Hossain, M. and Sayeeduzzaman, M. (eds.) (1992) BIDS Report (1989 to 1991): A Report on the Background, Organization and Research Activities of the Institute. Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, February, 1992, 210p.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. (1992) "Bangladeshe Pan Chash: Ekti Arthanitik-Bhougolic Samikshya" (An Economic-Geographical Study of Betel Leaf Cultivation in Bangladesh, published in Bengali), in Islam, N. and Chowdhury, S.I. (eds.), Bangladesh: Bhougolic Samikshya (Bangladesh: Geographical Studies), pp.120-132. Department of Geography, University of Dhaka, Dhaka.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. and Islam, M.A. (1992) "A Fire Hazard Assessment Model and Fire Hazard Zones in Dhaka Statistical Metropolitan Area", Oriental Geographer, Vol.36, pp.3-23. (View Abstract)
  • Bayes, A. and Sayeeduzzaman, M. (1991) Socio-Economic Impact of Minor Irrigation Facilities: Experience with North West Rural Development Project. An evaluation report prepared for Bangladesh Rural Development Board (BRDB) and Asian Development Bank (ADB). Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, October, 1991, 125p. (View Abstract)
  • Rahman, Atiur, Sayeeduzzaman, M., and Salam, M.A. (1991) An Environmental Survey of Fourteen Typical Villages in Bangladesh. A survey report prepared for Royal Norwegian Embassy Development Cooperation (NORAD). Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, March, 1991, 113p.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. (1991) "Nature of Fire Hazards in Dhaka", The Bangladesh Observer, March 18, p.5.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. (1990) "Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes in California", The Bangladesh Observer, Feb. 2, p.10.
  • Sayeeduzzaman, M. (1989) "Poverty Alleviation through Integrated Rural Development" (The Third Prize winning essay in CIRDAP International Essay Competition, participated by around 200 competitors from 11 countries in Asia and the Pacific region), CIRDAP Newsletter, No. 38, (Dec., 1989), pp.7-10.

Citations of Work in
Third-Party Publications

Thanks to the internet search engines and online translation services, publications and research work are more easitly shared and collaborated by researchers now-a-days compared to many years ago. During a brief search, it was a pleasure for me to find that some of my work have been cited in several third-party publications and sites, including some even in foreign languages that I am personally unable to read without the help of online translation services!  Anyway, the following is a list of a few third-party publications and online resources where I found my work was cited, thanks to the greatness of the researchers themselves.

  • Sack, D. (ed.) (2003)  GEOMORPHORUM, (Newsletter of the Geomorphology Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers), Issue No. 2, 2003.
  • Moody, J. A. and Martin, D. A. (2001) "Post-fire, Rainfall Intensity Peak Discharge Relations for Three Mountainous Watersheds in the Western USA", Hydrological Processes, Vol. 15, pp.2981-2993. (View Artcle).
  • Magilligan, F. (ed.) (2001) GEOMORPHORUM, (Newsletter of the Geomorphology Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers), Issue No. 2, 2001.
  • Sun, G. and McNulty, S. G. (1998) "Modeling Soil Erosion and Transport on Forest Landscape" in Proceedings of Conference 29, International Erosion Control Association (IECA), Feb. 16-20, 1998, Reno, Nevada. (View Article).
  • American Institute of Physics, Institution of Electrical Engineers, INSPEC, Engineering Information, Inc. (1997) Science Abstracts: Physics Abstracts, Issues 89756-96013, p.9637.

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